(Proverbs 31:26, NCV)
She cleans the house with bleach each week
to take her back in time.
When things were simple and she swam
When things were simple and she swam
but hated the finish line.
She likes the smell of cigarettes
She likes the smell of cigarettes
but has never smoked a cig.
It reminds her of her auntie's smell
she remembers as a kid.
She plants things in her garden
It reminds her of her auntie's smell
she remembers as a kid.
She plants things in her garden
though she doubts that they will grow.
Because as a child a concrete yard
was all she had to know.
She'd still hide in a cowboy hat
if she thought that it could be
That she'd be invited.
She is trying. She is me.
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This post is a prompt from Five Minute Friday
and was written in approximately five minutes.
For more information, visit fiveminutefriday.com.
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