Friday, April 3, 2020

FMF: Now

My pastor closes his sermons with this benediction:
"Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" (Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV).
At first I thought it was a strange selection. It sounded to scholarly. Who uses words like "equip" in everyday conversation? Most don't, but the writer of Hebrews did. As I continued to hear these words week after week, I realized how appropriate they are.

I want the GOD OF PEACE to EQUIP ME WITH EVERYTHING GOOD FOR DOING HIS WILL.  What better blessing is there to give to people?

I am just one of the sheep, and JESUS is THE GREAT SHEPHERD OF THE SHEEP. He guides me, protects me, and provides for me.

I want God to WORK IN US WHAT IS PLEASING TO HIM. It doesn't matter what is pleasing to me.  Ultimately, I live as Christ's representative, so what he wants is what I want.

I can only do these things THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, and he deserves GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER. None of this is about me.  Or, at least, none of this should be about me.  Help me, God, when I lose track of You.


This post is a prompt from Five Minute Friday and was written in approximately five minutes. For more information, visit


  1. A concise and powerful exposition. You are a blessing. Your FMF Neighbor. Regards

  2. All the thing you thought before
    just faded into grey;
    help me, Lord, when I ignore
    Your Word, and lose my way.
    I know I am a lowly sheep,
    and listen more to others' bleating
    about their need to hoard and keep
    their treasures, and forsake Your greeting
    that I might come unto You
    and find safety in Your Love,
    but instead my mind runs to
    "Will I really have enough?"
    Lord, help me not to be a drip,
    trust that which You my heart equip.

    Had to work 'equip' in there omewhere!
